

So I am new to this whole blog thing. I know then why am i writing one then? Well why are you reading this then ??  Well I want to just just put things out there so others can say "HEY I do that too", or "hmm I didn't know that:, or be like wow that's SO cool. My 4 Pups in S.Korea with us.                As you can Tell I am from America.  Some stuff there just boils my blood.           I'm married to my wonderful husband( he may drive me nuts, but he is my Zen to my Crazy).  I have 6 biological children, 2 step children and numerous foster/adopted children. In this crazy house we have 3 Chihuahua and a Valley Bulldog in S. Korea with us. We also have a Chihuahua and 2 valley Bulldogs left (I'll explain that more in another blog). We have about 4 or 5 ranch cats and a chicken, her name is peepers. Along with a guinea pig named Joey. A leopard gecko name Georgia. 3 AQHA Horses, a solid Black paint.  I miss these guys so much.     I believe e