
So I am new to this whole blog thing. I know then why am i writing one then? Well why are you reading this then ??
 Well I want to just just put things out there so others can say "HEY I do that too", or "hmm I didn't know that:, or be like wow that's SO cool.
our 4 pups
My 4 Pups in S.Korea with us.

               As you can Tell I am from America.  Some stuff there just boils my blood. 
         I'm married to my wonderful husband( he may drive me nuts, but he is my Zen to my Crazy).  I have 6 biological children, 2 step children and numerous foster/adopted children. In this crazy house we have 3 Chihuahua and a Valley Bulldog in S. Korea with us. We also have a Chihuahua and 2 valley Bulldogs left (I'll explain that more in another blog). We have about 4 or 5 ranch cats and a chicken, her name is peepers. Along with a guinea pig named Joey. A leopard gecko name Georgia. 3 AQHA Horses, a solid Black paint.  I miss these guys so much.

    I believe every infant,toddler,child, preteen and teenager needs someone to show them the right way and the wrong, plus they need to be taught things are not free. They need to know how to do every day chores, face it they will not be that little for long. Charish their time at home but teach them how to take care of themselves. Ever child is here to learn and be shown love not hate or to be harmed. Never teach a child to see color, but how the person acts. That is what is best for our children is to love. Children are our future so discipline them right, love them and teach them right from wrong. Don't spoil the child and don't spare the discipline.
              I am an animal advocate,  I believe animals do not have a voice and we need to be their voice. If you don't like them, this is not the right blog to be reading. I talk a lot about them.   
            I sell scentsy ( and Youngliving Oils ( so you will hear about them. Don't be afraid to take a look.
 I currently attend Penn Foster for Dog Obedience trainer classes. I am 3/4 away finished, after this is done I will be going to college for either law  to be a mediator or an animal CSI. I have been a CNA and a Early Childhood Educator, I .  So as you can tell I live a very active life.
